The Firm was founded in Milano in the thirties of the last century by Renato Gallasso, a fine lawyer specialized in private civil law.

His son Roberto Marco Giuseppe followed his footsteps, expanding the Firm’s business in Milano, thanks also to the valuable cooperation of his wife, Milisa.

When family choices made them move to the countryside in Merate in the early 1980s, their skills and professional qualities found immediate recognition so that, shortly thereafter, the main offices of the Firm were relocated in Merate, to receive the rapidly increasing demand from local clients.

Studio Gallasso & Associati was established on March 1, 2002 as an association of lawyers that combines the experience of Roberto Gallasso with the energy and dynamism of the new generations, his son Davide Massimiliano as well as the loyal disciple Sonia Riva.

While consolidating the skills already acquired in the long tradition of the Firm, the passion and personal interests of the new partners allowed to open the Firm’s activities to new fields such as, in particular, international contracts and trade law, and criminal law.

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