Training activities

Amongst the activities of the Firm's team members, there are also lectures on legal subjects in professional training courses for employees of multinational companies in Italy and abroad.

Building on the experience acquired, the Firm can fully organize training activities at the premises of clients.

It has also organized and is equipped to organize conferences and public events on legal topics, as well as to offer qualified speakers in conferences and training courses organized by external bodies, also for the purpose of continuing professional education.

Main strengths:

  • esperienze formative in ogni continente e in diversi ambiti culturali;
  • training activities carried on in all continents and in different cultural environments;
  • ability to provide training and training material fully in the English language;
  • creation of ad hoc training material, as well as adaptation and update of material already in use, both in Italian and in English;
  • ability to manage the organization of training events in full.

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