Criminal law

The Firm has acquired experience in various areas of criminal law.

In particular, it offers full assistance with respect to:

  • tax crimes and white-collar crimes;
  • breach of safety laws and regulations;
  • medical malpractice;
  • bankruptcy and insolvency crimes;
  • offences to public bodies and authorities;
  • crimes against persons and properties..

With similar skills and expertise, the Firm also assists victims of crimes, for the protection of their rights and interests.

Main strengths of the Firm:

  • lit can ensure direct assistance before all Public Prosecution offices and Courts in Italy, in all instances;
  • it applies the most recent tools for telematics communication with Court offices;
  • it is equipped for carrying out defensive investigations;
  • it has skill and expertise in the application of alternative procedures and measures, both at trial and in the phase of enforcement of decisions.

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