
Born in Merate on 30 December 1988, Silvia Cazzaniga obtained a high school diploma in foreign languages, after which she attended the University of Milano Bicocca, where she graduated in law – first with a three-year degree and then in November 2012 with a full law degree – with a dissertation in bankruptcy law titled «Gli effetti del concordato preventivo».

She completed her trainee lawyer practice at Studio Gallasso & Associati, where she focused mainly on civil and private law.

In the 2014-2015 session, she passed the bar exam at the Court of Appeal in Milano and was admitted to practice as an attorney-at-law.

After enrollment as a lawyer, she continues her collaboration with Studio Gallasso & Associati, practicing in various fields of law, from family and inheritance, to corporate and commercial law, to debt collection procedures and bankruptcy law.

Without giving up on the skills that she already masters, she decided to focus his interest and studies on banking law and attended a master's program on said subject. She is also more and more interested in tax litigation.

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